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WINGENT (P)Imperial Airways Empire Flying Boat Services 1936 to 1939 [1997]Aviation
WINGENT (P)Imperial Airways Empire Flying Boat Services 1936 to 1939 [1997]Aviation
WINGENT (P)Movements of aircraft on Imperial Airways African Route 1931-39 [1991]Aviation
WINKLER (J J)Handbuch der Schweizer voorphilatelie 1695-1850 [1968]N/A
WINTER (R F )Understanding Transatlantic Mail Vol IIMaritime
WINTER (Richard F) US – Spain Mails via British Convention 1849-1876 [1990]Maritime
WINTER (Richard F) North Atlantic mail sailings 1840-75: edited by Susan M McDonaldN/A
WISEMAN (W.A.)Great Britain: The De La Rue Years 1878-1910 Vol. 1 [1984]; Vol. 2 [1990]N/A
WITTMER (M)Floreana (life on the Galapagos Islands 1932-1957) [1961]N/A
WOLFF (H)Die deutschen kriegsgefangenen in Britischer [1974]Military
WOODALL (R G)The Postal History of Yukon Territory [1976]N/A
WOODS INTeRNATIONALThe Ryohei Ishikawa Collection: United States stamps & covers 1847-1869N/A
WOODWARD-CLARKE (R L)Register of the registration labels of the United Kingdom: the 1945 small serials type [1979]Registration
WORBOYS (D)Madame Joseph forged postmarks [1994]N/A
WOWERN (Eric V)Gronland poststempler efeter 1938 / Postmarks after 1938, 16th edN/A
WRIGHT (A)Court-hand restored or the student’s assistant in reading old deeds etc [1879]N/A
WRIGHT (E K) & DRYSDALL (A R)The Oates Correspondence: a postal history of Frank Oates’ travels in Matabeleland & Zambesia 1873-75 [1988]N/A
WURTH (R)Osterreichs orientalische post druch Balkan un Levante [1992]N/A
WYSS (A)The Post, a Universal link between menN/A
YAG (O) & BASH (J K)The pre-stamp postal markings of Mexico [1965]N/A
YOULE (Dr J H)Postmarks and cachets of the British Antartic Bases and South Georgia [2001]N/A
YOUNG (M H)The Postal History of Bromsgrove and District 1703-1994 [1994]N/A
YVERTCatalogue des estampilles et obliterations postales de France et des colonies francaises [1929]Colonies, France
YVETOTThe perpetration of a local collection illustrated in support of the arguments by examples from the postal history of Tunbridge Wells & District [1953]Great Britain
ZANCHE (L de)Tra Constantinopoli e Venezia: dispacci di staato e lettere di mercanti dal basso medievo alla caduta della serenissima [2000]N/A
ZAPHIRIOU (D P)The History of the Septinsular postal services from their creation in 1803 up to the union of the Ionian Islands with Greece in 1864 [2003]N/A
ZAPHIRIOU (D P)Postal History of the Ionian Islands 1386-1864 [1987]N/A
ZARESKI (M)Fancy Cancellations on 19th Century United States Postage Stamps [1951]N/A
ZILLIACUS (L)From Pillar to Post: the troubled history of the mial [1956]N/A
ZIMMERMAN (David M)Free French Censorship in The Levant [1980]Military