Upcoming Events

The Society holds meetings at various locations around the UK at which Members and guests are most welcome. If you want to learn more about postal history just contact the Member who is listed as the convenor below and you will be provided with further details. The day usually takes the format of an invited speaker in the morning and those attending have the opportunity, if they wish, to talk briefly about a subject of their choice in the afternoon. A nominal charge is made to cover room hire and refreshments with lunch as an option for those who wish it.

The Annual Conference takes place each Autumn and also moves around the country so that all Members have the chance to attend within a reasonable distance. This is the highlight of the Society’s year with displays by eminent collectors, an annual auction, competitions and the Society’s annual dinner. Guests are welcome also, either as day visitors or residents, and partners are invited to add to the conviviality of the weekend.

The Society has had some excellent Zoom meetings which are held alternately on the first Monday or Tuesday of the month. Please contact secretary@postalhistory.org.uk who will provide details of how to join the meeting and also how to give a display on the day if you would like to do so. 

Dates for your Diary

03 Sep
Zoom Meeting, convenor Marc Oxley
3 September 2024    
7:15 pm - 9:30 pm
Convenor: Marc Oxley
17 Sep
Country Meeting, Limpley Stoke near Bath, Avon
17 September 2024    
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Convenor: David Winnie FRPSL
Logged in members may complete the booking form for this meeting.
07 Oct
Zoom Meeting, convenor Marc Oxley
7 October 2024    
2:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Convenor: Marc Oxley
18 Oct
Annual Conference, Redditch
18 October 2024 - 20 October 2024    
All Day
Convenor: Claire Scott
Logged in members may complete a booking form for the Conference.
05 Nov
Zoom Meeting, convenor Marc Oxley
5 November 2024    
7:15 pm - 9:30 pm
Convenor: Marc Oxley
02 Dec
Zoom Meeting, convenor Marc Oxley
2 December 2024    
2:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Convenor: Marc Oxley