Marc Oxley

Website Updates

Our Webmaster Mark Bailey FRPSL has been updating the website. We now have the Minutes and Accounts from the last 3 AGM’s available to all members through the members portal. He has also been busy uploading back numbers of the Journal, starting with the first Issue in 1936, he is up to 1943. They are […]

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ABPS AGM Details

ABPS Notice of Meetingand Agenda for Annual General MeetingSaturday 13 July 2024 at 09.45 am[To be held during the 105th Congress of Great Britainwhich will be held at the Leonardo Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton 11-14 July 2024] For those who may not have seen the Agenda it can be found below.

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July ZOOM Meeting

Our 7th ZOOM Meeting for 2024 was held on Monday 1st July at 2.15 for 2.30. We had two Displays, the first from Robert McMillan FRPSL and the second from his wife Daphne McMillan FRPSL. Robert showed recent acquisitions to his collection of the Postal History of Kingston upon Hull and Daphne gave a display

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June PHS ZOOM Meeting

The June PHS ZOOM meeting held on 4th June was very well received. We had an informative talk on the pre-stamp Postal History of Kings Lynn given by Mike Kentzner. It was punctuated with fine examples of the Mileage marks, Penny Post stamps and Town stamps of Kings Lynn up to 1840. The display was

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PHS Annual Auction 2024

This from the Society Auctioneer Peter Webb. The 2024 auction is to be held at the PHS congress at Redditch in October and is progressing well with plenty of nice material already submitted. The last chance to provide material for this auction will be at the joint PHS & RPSL meeting at York on 18th July.

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May PHS ZOOM Meeting

The fourth PHS ZOOM meeting of 2024 was on Monday 6th May at 2.30pm.  We had 12 members attend and saw 2 fascinating displays. The first was given by Julian Bagwell on the British Levant 1855-1923 and we spent a very interesting hour in his company learning all about British Post Offices in the declining

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April ZOOM Meeting

We had 11 participants for the April 2024 ZOOM meeting. 2 displays were shown, the first by a Canadian PHS Member Duncan Barber which dealt with GB Registered Express Letters 1912-1982 and the second by our Treasurer Julian Tweed FRPSL entitled Robert Mitford A Life in 11 letters a Napoleonic Gentleman. All present agreed they

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March ZOOM Meeting

The most recent ZOOM meeting was held on March 4th at 2.15pm when we were shown two displays. The first was given by Claire Scott FRPSL. A fascinating display of “Context Postal History” being a collection of letters home from the British Submariner William Greenall Coe covering the time from his basic training in 1912

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6th February ZOOM Meeting

Last nights ZOOM meeting (6th February) proved to be very informative. 19 members were in attendance. Malcolm Coe began by giving a detailed account of the use of Talismanic numbers on Sudanese Postage at the beginning of the 20thcentury. They were written on the front to encourage all concerned to speed them to their destination

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